I was able to drop them off, come home, have a cup of coffee, IM with Jay for a few minutes, load the dishwasher, flip the laundry, take some meat out to defrost for dinner and vacuum my house before hopping in the shower to get ready. It couldn't be more convenient, could it?
I'm really looking forward to going in today! It's going to be a good day!
Lila woke up this morning and said, "My back feels funny. It's pains me."
I said, "Maybe you slept on it funny..."
and she responded, "It's probably because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
Oh, and in other news, we are 7 days with no bug bites. It doesn't make us free and clear (they say 55 days is the magic number), but it makes us 7 days closer.
love your job, love no bites, and most of all LOVE YOU!